Sunday, March 11, 2007

Green Building

What is Green Building? The following is a brief description of what green building is. In upcoming blogs (not everyday, but periodically), we'll reference different techniques and building materials one can use to "go green."

When applied to construction or renovation, the word “green” (or “sustainable”) can mean different things, but generally the term “green building” refers to lessening the environmental impact and improving the long-term economic performance of new construction and renovation projects.
Key to this practice is looking beyond “first” costs and incorporating life-cycle analysis and resource conservation measures into the site planning, design, construction, and operational stages of a project.
While most green buildings look similar to conventionally built buildings, their operational costs are often lower because of the use and integration of high-quality, energy-efficient materials and products. Other benefits of “going green” can include better indoor air quality and increased occupant comfort and productivity.

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