Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Appliances - Clothes Dryers

Are you ready for rocket science? Line-drying laundry is the most effective way to save energy on clothes drying. Wow...

Gas clothes dryers operate more economically than electric clothes dryers. At average prices for electricity and gas, electric clothes drying costs 30-40 cents per load versus 15-20 cents for gas per load.

Cleaning the dryer lint filter after each cycle minimizes drying time. Over time, lint collects in the vent, elements, and air passageways reducing airflow and increasing cycle time. Every few years, a dryer and its vent should be thoroughly cleaned.

Piping the dryer vent in smooth metal pipe, sealed at joints with silicon caulking, reduces drying time over piping with plastic flexible vents. Those crazy plastic vents cause approximately 13,000 fires per year. The reason smooth metal pipe works better is that the air has only to flow straight out of the pipe versus swirling around each coil. This makes the dryer work harder.

One more thing that you can do to improve your drying time is to use your WASHER more efficiently. Double-spin the clothing to extract additional water. If you don't believer HZG, then try it for yourself. Once your washer has completed the spin, place a bucket under the discharge and set the washer to spin again. You will get up to 3/4 of a bucket in some cases - depending on the size of your bucket. It's an absolute guarantee that you will get some excess water out - making your drying time reduced.

Next Topic: Water Heaters - Energy Usage

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