Saturday, December 30, 2006

Fixing a Wet Basement - Step 3

Once the paneling is secure throughout the perimeter, more muscle time - GRAVELING. Unfortunately, 5-gallon buckets are the best way to cart gravel from the dump truck to the basement, one step at a time. Be prepared to be tired after you're done. This is why HZG's company has a division simply for this - people don't like doing it.

Gravel must be placed in the open perimeter pit, covering the footer tile in its entirety; as well as covering the newly popped weep holes. This gravel becomes the positive connection between the weeps and the footer tile, allowing water to flow as it should.

Once the gravel is in place, the area can now be cemented back to a smooth floor. The cement goes directly up to the plastic shield, anchoring it permanently into the floor.

Next Topic: Fixing a Wet Basement - Final Step

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