Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ice Dams and Gutters

Now that there is a thaw occurring, if you had an ice dam this winter - check your gutters post-melt. Why?

Severe ice dams have up to 10" of ice build up. This 10" of build up can have substantial weight to it. With this weight comes see where this is going...the pressure can bend the gutters out away from the facia. Why is this an issue? Please, someone write and ask me a question...the more I keep asking myself questions the more likely I won't answer.

Once the gutter is bent away from the facia, the water from the balance of the snow - and every rain thereafter - will not make it to the gutters. It will, instead, run down the side of your home. If it does this, you may be creating a basement issue with the volume of unintentional water that is now cascading down your home. This water is meant to be channeled AWAY from your home.

So...walk around your home, directly under the gutters and look for gaps. The repair is simple and cheap...if you catch it before it migrates to the basement.

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