Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Vapor Barrier / Thermal Bypass / Poor Placing

We've had 8" of snow so far (with a predicted 15" more on the way), but that doesn't stop HZG from trying to help the energy issued people.

Today I witnessed multiple issues in one attic. This person had a $400 gas bill last month (and the temperature wasn't that bad). In order, here are the following issues this person had, and you can check for yourself as well...

1) The attic hatch was not insulated. It was a 1/4" piece of press board.
2) The attic had R19 of fiberglass installed. Not only was it short in R-value (recommended R38), it was installed upside down - with the vapor barrier facing upwards.
3) There was a vaulted ceiling with no insulation around the vertical surface. It should have had a minimum of an R19 installed and wrapped in a 6 mil poly.
4) The slopes of the vault were empty. It should have been dense-packed.
5) Portions of the insulation were laying on top of 2"x4"s. It should have been directly against the ceiling below. Air gaps greatly decrease the effectiveness of insulation.
6) There was a 3' x 3' furnace run chase way, traveling 2 floors to the basement. This being sealed alone would increase the energy efficiency.

Well, even after hearing this the client said, "We've got a couple of other contractors coming out and we won't tell them what you said. It will come down to if we can afford it." Well, no other contractor to this point had even gone into the attic...and how can they NOT afford it.

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