Monday, March 19, 2007

Xypex Basement Waterproofing Paint

Normally HZG doesn't recommend a specific product or brand. Today is not one of those days.

Too often we hear the words "Dry - Lock" when discussing sealing a basement's wet walls. Dry - Lock is little more than a strong interior paint. I personally despise it, for "a", it masks the problem; "b", if there is a water issue it will eventually bleed through and "c", it will discolor.

Xypex is a good waterproofing agent for basements. It is a little more expensive, but the results are much more satisfying. Xypex MUST be applied when the walls are wet; this gives it a serious leg up on any other product. It typically comes with a 5-year warranty - more than most interior products. It will not last forever, however it is the best line of defense for continual wet walls.

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