Thursday, November 16, 2006

Air Sealing Part 2 - The Attic

Air sealing in the attic space is the number one location to seal off. Why? It is the last barrier to the outside that your home has - and heat chases cold - always has, always will. Some attics have such large bypasses needing sealed that by sealing them alone - energy (and money) will be saved.

I'm going to lightly touch on common areas in an attic that need sealed. I can go into greater depth on them (and probably will) in future writings. The areas commonly requiring sealing are (in no particular order) - electrical penetrations, kitchen soffit drops, stairway rakes, chimney chases, staircase rakes and plumbing bypasses.

Where The Energy Guy stated to be very careful so as not to make a mess in the basement, the polar opposite exists in the attic. Go to town. Seal away. If in doubt - seal it. Blower door readings done immediately after air sealing have been known to drop so much that insulation is a bonus - not the end all be all.

Foam board, foam and caulk are used in the attic. 2-part foam (again, another writing) can be used to seal off larger areas. We'll touch base on foams in another writing.

Once again - seal off the attic - you WILL save money.

COMMENT: I have added the links to two energy providers in Ohio. Feel free to submit your state's providers and I will add the links for all to share.

Next Topic: The Push Up Attic Hatch

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