Sunday, November 26, 2006

Kneewall Attics Part 3 - Sidewalls, Slopes and Crown

Once the kneewall area has been air sealed, the next spot to attack is the crown - starting high and working downwards. If the crown area has its own hatch, great - blow from the hatch area second after slopes. Otherwise, the crown should be blown from the individual slopes.
Each slope cavity can have the blowing tube inserted and run to the crown. Based upon the crown's dimensions, divide the necessary bag count and install the appropriate amount of insulation. If the crown is small, blow until the area is packed.
Once the crown is complete, dense-pack the slopes full. Dense-packing will be covered in the next topic. Once the slope cavity is full, insert R11 vinyl backed fiberglass and foam tight.
Next, focus on the sidewalls. You can either Tyvek the wall and dense-pack, or insert R19 fiberglass and cover with Tyvek. Either way will work, with the dense-packing giving you the best insulation coverage. R19 fiberglass is faster, though. If you choose to use the dense-pack method, I recommend using plumber's straps to keep the Tyvek from bellying out.
Now that the crown, slopes and walls are complete, blow the flats to and R38 and exit the kneewall area.
The savings you will see from completing the kneewall attic spaces will be incredible!
Next Topic: Dense-packing

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